about Grigoris Maravelias

about Grigoris Maravelias

the basics

who am i?

Astrophysicist with a robust foundation in Physics and Engineering, complemented by proficient Data Science skills encompassing statistics and machine/deep learning applications.

current position

Since September 2018 I am working as a post-doc at the National Observatory of Athens (although you will finding me more in Heraklion, Crete), with Dr. Alceste Bonanos for the ASSESS project.

research interests

Observational Astrophysics focusing on stellar astrophysics and massive stars (phases, evolution), in different galaxies. Use of statistical tools and implementation of machine/deep learning approaches. Professional-amateur networking and collaborations, and Openness in Astronomy.

Latest publications


New paper: Shenar et al. 2024: Binarity at LOw Metallicity (BLOeM): I. a spectroscopic VLT monitoring survey of massive stars in the SMC

This is the first paper of the “Binarity at LOw Metallicity (BLOeM)” collaboration which targets to obtain spectra for about 1000 massive stars in the SMC! Apart from being an extremely interesting project it really matches many of the sources I have been working with in the SMC. So perfect …

New paper: de Wit et al. 2024: Investigating episodic mass loss in evolved massive stars: II. Physical properties of red supergiants at subsolar metallicity

Stephan extends the work he has performed previously in the Magellanic Clouds to RSGs identified in the ASSESS project in galaxies at subsolar metallicity. Investigating episodic mass loss in evolved massive stars: II. Physical properties of red supergiants at subsolar metallicity S. de Wit, A.Z. Bonanos, K. Antoniadis, E. Zapartas, …

New paper: Establishing a mass-loss rate relation for red supergiants in the Large Magellanic Cloud

This is a paper led by Kostas from the ASSESS team where we investigated the mass-loss in LMC/s RSGs. Interestingly this made its way to the astrobites site. Establishing a mass-loss rate relation for red supergiants in the Large Magellanic Cloud K. Antoniadis, A.Z. Bonanos, S. de Wit, E. Zapartas, …

New paper: X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at low metallicity: II. DR1: Advanced optical data products for the Magellanic Clouds

Paper II of the XShootU collaboration is finally accepted at A&A! That is a cornerstone paper for the collaboration since it presents the analysis of the observations and provides the final scientific products with which the whole collaboration (and everybody else) can work with. X-Shooting ULLYSES: Massive Stars at low …

New paper: Investigating episodic mass loss in evolved massive stars: I. Spectroscopy of dusty massive stars in ten southern galaxies

A paper that collectively presents the results from our intensive observing campaign in the ASSESS project, focusing on the southern galaxies (a forthcoming paper will deal with the northern ones). Investigating episodic mass loss in evolved massive stars: I. Spectroscopy of dusty massive stars in ten southern galaxies A.Z. Bonanos, …