Solutions of a second order differential linear and homogeneous equation with constant coefficients:
a y” + b y’ + c y = 0 (a ≠ 0)
Solve the characteristic equation: a r2 + b r + c = 0
with general solutions r1,2=[(-b±√b2-4ac )/2a].
1> if Δ=b2-4ac > 0 then the solutions r1=r1 are real and
the general solution of the differential equation is
y = c1 er1x + c2 er2x
2> if Δ=b2-4ac = 0 then the solutions are real and equal (r1=r>2) and the general solution of the differential equation is
y = c1 er1x + c2 x er1x
3> if Δ=b2-4ac < 0 then the solutions are complex and the general solution of the differential equation is
y = c1 ekxcos(lx) + c2 ekxsin(lx)
where r1,2=k±il=(-b/2a)±i[√b2-4ac /2a]