on my professional endeavors...
Welcome (again) …

Welcome (again) …

to a new and more serious attempt* to build a site about my personal work on Astronomy, a long-time hobby that became a demanding job since June 2010!

Mainly, the blog will work as a personal notebook where you may (or may not!) find something useful. You will be able to find from small tips to tutorials, from software hints to hardware solutions, from theories to observations, from small articles to papers and anything that has to do with Astronomy (ok… perhaps some more general stuff also!).

The other pages (will) include information about my research projects (PhD thesis and more) along with extra information about me…

I hope you enjoy and find something useful. If not, what the heck … nobody is perfect!

*I have been using blogger since January 2010 (I even tried the free wordpress), but the limitations of the free services “forced” me to go for personal solution, so as to be totally independent and free to build and maintain a robust site from the beginning the way I prefer.