Scisoft (7.5) includes also a number of shared programs available to use. But they are not immediately available when invoking Scisoft, like FIGARO, one of the programs provided with STARLINK. There are two ways to start FIGARO (both provided by Giannis K. at Computer Center support of Physics/Univ of Crete) :
One is to use an alias in .bashrc (edit the file and add):
export FIG_DIR=/scisoft/share/star/bin/figaro
alias figaro='source $FIG_DIR/'
and another by adding the paths inside the Scisoft’s setup file (edit the file /scisoft/bin/Setup.bash as root). Change the following lines as shown:
# Add the main Scisoft binaries to the command search path
if [ "X$PATH" != X ]; then
export PATH=/scisoft/bin:/scisoft/share/star/bin/figaro:$PATH
export PATH=/scisoft/bin:/scisoft/share/star/bin/figaro
# Add the main Scisoft libraries to the library search path
if [ "X$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" != X ]; then
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/scisoft/lib:/scisoft/share/star/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/scisoft/lib:/scisoft/share/star/lib
where the path to the FIGARO programs is added (using the “:”). Even without the libraries path (/scisoft/share/star/lib) FIGARO will start, but it seems better to include them as … you never know when a library is needed. To start FIGARO just type “” (.sh since we are using bash), after starting Scisoft (by using “. /scisoft/bin/Setup.bash” or any alias made already in .bashrc).
The difference in these two ways is that in the first case typing “figaro” will initiate the FIGARO program (and it will print the initialization message) while in the second case the initialization of Scisoft initializes FIGARO commands also (it will not print any messages but the commands are available).
The same can apply (most probably!) to any other program of STARLINK.