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Common commands of Scisoft and Starlink

Common commands of Scisoft and Starlink

Scisoft includes a number of Starlink programs but not all. So perhaps someone (in this case me!) needs to run something that it is not included in the Scisoft (like DIPSO). So, nothing wrong to go on and install both. But in this case that someone has to be careful not to mix the commands.

As the Starlink programs are not available from the beginning within the setup script of Scisoft, some initial work has to be done [how to do it?]. If an alias is selected then its names for the environment and the program has to be different than what Starlink uses. In the example of setting up FIGARO through Scisoft we used “FIG_DIR” and “figaro” as the alias in the .bashrc, which conflicts with “figaro” of Starlink. The best way is to name them differently (like “SCIFIG_DIR” and “scifigaro”). By that we have available both programs, either the Starlink version by typing “figaro” or the Scisoft version by typing “scifigaro” (may be different versions depending on the Scisoft/Starlink releases).

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