about Grigoris Maravelias
Installing Starlink

Installing Starlink

Installing and running Starlink is pretty much straightforward. Firstly, get the latest release (Namaka, when this post was written) and extract the file wherever you want. Then select which shell you want to use and follow the post-installation run-up or the info given below (supposing it was downloaded and extracted in /home/user/soft/star-namaka/).

Bash case:

Open the .bashrc file (found at the /home/user/ directory) and add these lines:

export STARLINK_DIR=/home/user/soft/star-namaka/
. $STARLINK_DIR/etc/profile

In this case the Starlink programs are available with the start of the bash shell.

If you don’t want this to happen (don’t ask me why…) then you should define an alias, so type instead:

export STARLINK_DIR=/home/user/soft/star-namaka/
alias star='. $STARLINK_DIR/etc/profile'

Now, in order to start Starlink after the start of the shell type “star” (or whatever you have chosen to name it).

Tcsh case:

The case of a tcsh shell (or csh) is more or less similar by defining the environment and sourcing the necessary files ( login and cshrc under star-namac/etc/). Open the .tcshrc (or .cshrc, at the home directory as previously)  and type:

setenv STARLINK_DIR /home/user/soft/star-namaka/
source $STARLINK_DIR/etc/login
source $STARLINK_DIR/etc/cshrc

So, starting a tcsh shell will automatically initialize the Starlink programs.

Happy processing !!

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