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matplotlib within Scisoft and file system – Fedora case

matplotlib within Scisoft and file system – Fedora case

While I was working on a script to make multiple plots with matplotlib I found out that it was not possible with the version that Scisoft 7.5 uses (0.99) but a later version can do it (1.0.1)! So a logical though was to go on and upgrade the matplotlib inside scisoft but was not really obvious or successful. Also, I was not able to find a way to combine python modules inside scisoft with modules outside it (ie at the file system under /usr/lib/python2.x/ in Fedora). Although i did ask in mailing lists about this I have not get any answer yet, so I went on to install the latest version of matplotlib, numpy, scipy through the usual repositories under the file system. Then if I want my script to take advantage of the matplotlib 1.0.1 I insert


at the first line of the scripts while

#!/usr/bin/env python

if I want to work with the modules inside scisoft (like pyraf).

Perhaps I have a better solution to post in the future…

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