about Grigoris Maravelias
Transformation factors for X-ray fluxes

Transformation factors for X-ray fluxes

In the following tables are given the transformation factors of the fluxes from a specific X-ray energy band to the 0.5-7 band, assuming Gamma 1.7 with Nh 6e20 and 0.

Table 1 >>>

Gamma    Nh   MinE MaxE   ModeledFx  Fx_in_0.5-7_band
1.7   6.0E20  2.0  25.0   7.4353E-9  1.524470492137473
1.7   6.0E20  0.1  2.0    2.177E-9   0.44635349756468984
1.7   6.0E20  3.0  10.0   3.234E-9   0.6630717726446831
1.7   6.0E20  2.0  30.0   8.2332E-9  1.6880650974147609
1.7   6.0E20  2.0  10.0   4.0686E-9  0.8341910736421079
1.7   6.0E20  0.3  10.0   6.2155E-9  1.2743731397684144
1.7   6.0E20  0.7  10.0   5.6647E-9  1.1614417444752492
1.7   6.0E20  0.2  10.0   6.245E-9   1.2804215595974016
1.7   6.0E20  0.2  12.0   6.836E-9   1.401595187981426
1.7   6.0E20  0.5  7.0    4.8773E-9  0.9999999789407894
1.7   6.0E20  0.1  10.0   6.2456E-9  1.2805445712067978
1.7   6.0E20  0.2  0.5    2.8144E-10 0.05770405966125076
1.7   6.0E20  0.5  1.0    7.3497E-10 0.1506919758411837
1.7   6.0E20  1.0  2.5    1.6072E-9  0.32952659047456384
1.7   6.0E20  0.5  2.0    1.895E-9   0.3885346266886183
1.7   6.0E20  1.0  2.0    1.16E-9    0.23783650481957802
1.7   6.0E20  2.0  4.5    1.7909E-9  0.36719086048976335
1.7   6.0E20  4.5  12.0   2.8688E-9  0.5881943055328245
1.7   6.0E20  2.5  7.0    2.5352E-9  0.5197957988828394
1.7   6.0E20  0.5  10.0   5.9636E-9  1.222725654804594
1.7   6.0E20  2.5  10.0   3.6215E-9  0.742521474746644


Table 2 >>>

Gamma Nh   MinE MaxE  ModeledFx  Fx_in_0.5-7_band
1.7   0.0  2.0  25.0  7.4574E-9  1.4222179900505934
1.7   0.0  0.1  2.0   3.9046E-9  0.7446553253977446
1.7   0.0  3.0  10.0  3.2422E-9  0.618327465238828
1.7   0.0  2.0  30.0  8.2554E-9  1.5744063925281622
1.7   0.0  2.0  10.0  4.0902E-9  0.7800515263759988
1.7   0.0  0.3  10.0  6.9496E-9  1.3253742741638779
1.7   0.0  0.7  10.0  5.8724E-9  1.119938952929684
1.7   0.0  0.2  10.0  7.3779E-9  1.407056368582311
1.7   0.0  0.2  12.0  7.9692E-9  1.519824622996969
1.7   0.0  0.5  7.0   5.2435E-9  0.999999972639108
1.7   0.0  0.1  10.0  7.9948E-9  1.5247068517737434
1.7   0.0  0.2  0.5   1.0472E-9  0.1997139302730967
1.7   0.0  0.5  1.0   1.0005E-9  0.19080766971838653
1.7   0.0  1.0  2.5   1.696E-9   0.32344807992770214
1.7   0.0  0.5  2.0   2.2406E-9  0.42730998909437085
1.7   0.0  1.0  2.0   1.2401     2.3650234120924503E8
1.7   0.0  2.0  4.5   1.8094E-9  0.34507484756230744
1.7   0.0  4.5  12.0  2.872E-9   0.547725750200595
1.7   0.0  2.5  7.0   2.547E-9   0.4857442441663391
1.7   0.0  0.5  10.0  6.3307E-9  1.2073424171358944
1.7   0.0  2.5  10.0  3.6342E-9  0.6930866886631255 


[Tables calculated through XSPECv12 by Vallia Antoniou]


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