about Grigoris Maravelias
Month: <span>July 2015</span>

Month: July 2015

The equivalent of 1 erg

A very common unit of energy in Astronomy is erg. There are stellar sources that emit up to 1040 erg/s (or even more for galaxies). But, how could we understand “how much” erg is? An interesting and funny example is given in the Wikipedia [1]: “An erg is approximately the …

June conferences: Physics of Evolved Stars and 12th Hellenic Astronomical Conference

June 2015 has been quite busy as I participated in two conferences: The Physics of Evolved Stars (Nice, France; June 8-12, 2015) – poster contribution Title: “Disk tracing for B[e] supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds” Abstract: “The B[e] supergiants are an important short-lived transition phase in the life of massive …

Back to (my) school!

On Thursday 14th of May 2015 I had the unique opportunity to give a talk about Astronomy at the high school I graduated from in Aigaleo (Athens, Greece). As I have moved away from Aigaleo since 2007 and my visits in Athens are scarce the least, it is difficult to …