on my professional endeavors...
XXXth General Assembly of IAU – week 2

XXXth General Assembly of IAU – week 2

The second week of the XXXth GA started very early actually as they were actually 3 plenary talks of the IAU 346 Symposium on “High-mass X-ray binaries: illuminating the passage from massive binaries to merging compact objects” (which actually deserves a post of its own, if I ever manage to make…). After that, we had the second day of the Division Days where I had a talk (in Division G) on the B[e] Supergiants (see for more the post on my contributions to this GA).

Apart from the scientific part there were again a lot of people (with an important percentage being different from the first week) going around the exhibition and the various happenings. One of them was of course the General Assembly itself.

The booth of Officina Stellare.
Display of a telescope system from PlaneWave Instruments.
The booths of ESA, ESO, and of the IAU’s Office of Astronomy for Development (2nd week).
Exhibition “boxes” for the 100 years of the IAU.

Before any official discussion engagement at the General Assembly, there was a musical performance:

One of the key issues to discuss in this assembly was the suggestion to rename the Hubble law to Hubble-Lemaitre law. There was actually a lively discussion with arguments from both sides. An indicative voting was made but the final decision will be based on a more detailed poll sent to all members of the IAU.

Although not formally decided, the revised Hubble-Lemaitre law was presented.
Presenting the resolution for renaming the Hubble law to Hubble-Lemaitre law (during the IAU GA 2018, in Viena)
The, indicative, voting process for the Hubble-Lemaitre law.

Then, the assembly proceed with more bureaucratic issues (among which was also the approval of new members, such myself!). Last but not least, there was the announcement for the organizer of the IAU GA of 2024 (as for 2021 is Korea) which is South Africa (after a strong competition with Mexico). The GA resolved with some folklore dance and music.

Another voting process during the IAU General Assembly of 2018.
At the very end of the GA, kids and adults (mainly from the IAU’s Office of Astronomy for Development) were playing with this giant Earth-like balloon.

The final day ended a bit earlier than others allowing us a bit more more time to relax. After all it was almost two weeks of many conferences and meetings in parallel that had developed considerable tiredness. I was more than happy to return home the next day and rest a bit more over the weekend, and enjoy some of the promotional stuff (see below!).

A small collection of various promotional stuff (pins, stickers, etc) and my badge from the IAU GA 2018 (and I have actually forgotten to put some more…!).
Various stuff from the IAU GA. I actually won this t-shirt at the lottery of the Korean booth (!).
Dinner time during IAU2018
Conferences feed the brain … but the body needs fuel too! Enjoying some local Viennese cuisine and wine.

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