on my professional endeavors...
Master presentation by Elias Kyritsis

Master presentation by Elias Kyritsis

Elias Kyritsis has been a student at the Physics Department of the University of Crete that I have co-supervised with Prof. Andreas Zezas since 2017.

Initially as an undergraduate student he worked on the visual classification of High-Mass X-ray Binary sources in the Large Magellanic Cloud, but later on he decided to work on a more automated approach. Over the last year he has developed an automated spectral classifier (focusing on the early OB type stars) with Random Forests.Last Friday (Sep 27, 2019) he defended his work and obtained his MSc. diploma. Congratulations!


Elias Kyritsis on the day of his MSc, defense.Elias Kyritsis on the day of his MSc, defense. (Credit: Elias Kyritsis)

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  1. Pingback: New paper: A new automated tool for the spectral classification of OB stars » maravelias.info

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