Getting observing time needs both a good proposal and some … luck! Although I have been into many proposals (with some of them written by me actually) I did not have the excitement to get it as PI. The time has finally come now!!
At the current observing period of ESO (P111, running 1 April 2023 – 30 September 2023) we managed to get ~18 hours to use FORS2 to observe a set of three dwarf galaxies (IC 1613, Pegasus DIG, and Phoenix Dwarf), part of the ASSESS galaxy sample. The difference, with respect to our previous successful proposals both at ESO and GTC, is that we will use the predictions of the machine-learning classifier we developed for this project.
Now I have to work on the Phase-2 material, which consists of the preimaging OBs first, and then the mask designing (based on the images).