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Author: <span>grigoris</span>

Author: grigoris

The 2023 Summer School for Astrostatistics in Crete – the announcement

Here comes the announcement of the third (already!) iteration of our Summer School for Astrostatistics in Crete! This is an in-person meeting, as it focus on the practical use of statistics and machine learning in academic research. We will supply all the necessary guidelines through Astronomical problems. Check the website …

New paper: Environments of evolved massive stars – evidence for episodic mass ejections

A proceedings paper from IAUS 366 that took place virtually back in October 2021 (for which I had another poster contribution) was finally published at the end of 2022. It summarizes a collective work led by Michaela on B[e] Supergiants and Yellow Hypergiants, two massive star phases where we observe …

New Paper: Properties of luminous red supergiant stars in the Magellanic Clouds

Properties of luminous red supergiant stars in the Magellanic Clouds S. de Wit, A.Z. Bonanos, F. Tramper, M. Yang, G. Maravelias, K. Boutsia, N. Britavskiy, and E. Zapartas There is evidence that some red supergiants (RSGs) experience short lived phases of extreme mass loss, producing copious amounts of dust. These …

New paper: Using machine learning to investigate the populations of dusty evolved stars in various metallicities

This is actually a preview of what will follow after the first paper of the machine-learning classifier. We put it into action to get predictions for a number of galaxies and we start exploring the results. Of more interest is the fractions of the populations with metallicity, although a more …