While loop in C-shell scripts
When using the while loop in C-shell scripting the usual stucture is: while (expression)commands…end BUT, you need to add an empty line or a comment after end in order for the loop to work!
When using the while loop in C-shell scripting the usual stucture is: while (expression)commands…end BUT, you need to add an empty line or a comment after end in order for the loop to work!
If you have any difficulty to find it just go here: Period04 “Period04 is a computer program especially dedicated to the statistical analysis of large astronomical time series containing gaps. The program offers tools to extract the individual frequencies from the multiperiodic content of time series and provides a flexible …
Just happened on Ubuntu 8.10 (intrepid ibex)… 🙁 “If disk usage reaches 100%, when you exit your gnome session, all your sticky notes will be erased. Next time you log in, they’re all gone.” link source
… to an online notebook about anything related to Astronomy through my experience (from theory to computers, from hints to tutorials, from etc to etc!). Enjoy!