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Tag: <span>aaomega</span>

Tag: aaomega

AAO’s Configure – fiber arrangement for AAOmega

AAOmega is one of the instruments of Anglo-Australian Observatory. It is a multi-purpose, bench mounted, fibre fed, double-beam spectrograph with two main observing modes: i. Multiple-object spectroscopy using the existing 2dF top, ii. Integral field spectroscopy at Cassegrain focus. In order to use the multiple-object mode you need to know …

Installing AAOmega’s data reduction program – 2dfdr

The AAOmega spectrograph of Anglo-Australian Observatory uses the 2dfdr v4 data redution package (version 4 removes most dependencies on STARLINK packages, earlier version will need also the STARLINK to be installed, so it is not recommended). After downloading the necessary file (ftp and get 2dfdr-linux_x86_RH_5_3-4.0.tgz) you just need to set …