about Grigoris Maravelias
Tag: <span>aavso</span>

Tag: aavso

New paper on rho Cas and its recent outburst in 2013

A new outburst of the yellow hypergiant star Rho Cas Michaela Kraus, Indrek Kolka, Anna Aret, Dieter H. Nickeler, Grigoris Maravelias, Tõnis Eenmäe, Alex Lobel, Valentina G. Klochkova Yellow hypergiants are evolved massive stars that were suggested to be in post-red supergiant stage. Post-red supergiants that evolve back to the …

AAVSO top visual observers

I just stumbled upon an interesting article about Rod Stubbings, a visual observer who made more than 200,000th variable star observations! This, as Mike Simonsen says, places him in top five visual observers in the history of variable star astronomy. An interesting image of the persons and their corresponding number …