about Grigoris Maravelias
Tag: <span>convert</span>

Tag: convert

Fast coordinate conversion with ds9

Fast and easy conversion of a .reg file with image coordinates (x,y positions) to sky coordinates (RA,Dec;sexagesimal): ds9 image.fits -regions load input_imageCoordinates.reg -regions system wcs -regions skyformat sexagesimal -regions save outout_skyCoordinates.reg -exit with automatic exit of the program! Thanks to Alexandros M. for providing some examples! References: [1] ds9: http://ds9.si.edu/site/Home.html …

Manipulating postscript/pdf files

Postscript files (.ps) are usual and in many cases some manipulation is needed. [for more see also here] Convert from a ps to pdf file: $ ps2pdf input_file.ps output_file.ps Merge 2 or more files: $ psmerge -ooutput_file.ps input_file_1.ps input_file_2.ps [more_files] note: that -o and output_file’s name are not separated by …