At the Supernova Remnants II conference – another session
During a session – from a galaxy far far away – at the Supernova Remnants II conference in Chania, Greece 2019 (photo/editing by A. Manousakis).
Mixing a transient object with … Mars!
In the Astronomer’s Telegram #11448 [1] it is announced that a very bright (almost 1st magnitude) transient object is found between the Lagoon and the Trifid nebulae. No other object has been found in the region and the source itself was not visible some days earlier. Within less than an …
Jobs in Astronomy by Peblo
How easy is it really to find a job in Astronomy? To find out check the following illustration by by Peblo, describing job applications:
Extrapolating for the new post-doc position
The idea of this post came to me on my second or third day in Chile when I noticed its flag on some boats. As today is my last day at work, perhaps it is the best (and last) opportunity to make a post about it. (So, practically it is …
LambdaCDM vs. MOND
Even though the fight between Lambda(Λ)CDM and MOND theories is a confirmed fact, automatic processes (like listing of new arxiv papers) make it more … provocative and/or funny.
The equivalent of 1 erg
A very common unit of energy in Astronomy is erg. There are stellar sources that emit up to 1040 erg/s (or even more for galaxies). But, how could we understand “how much” erg is? An interesting and funny example is given in the Wikipedia [1]: “An erg is approximately the …