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Tag: <span>massive stars</span>

Tag: massive stars

New paper: Shenar et al. 2024: Binarity at LOw Metallicity (BLOeM): I. a spectroscopic VLT monitoring survey of massive stars in the SMC

This is the first paper of the “Binarity at LOw Metallicity (BLOeM)” collaboration which targets to obtain spectra for about 1000 massive stars in the SMC! Apart from being an extremely interesting project it really matches many of the sources I have been working with in the SMC. So perfect …

New paper: Establishing a mass-loss rate relation for red supergiants in the Large Magellanic Cloud

This is a paper led by Kostas from the ASSESS team where we investigated the mass-loss in LMC/s RSGs. Interestingly this made its way to the astrobites site. Establishing a mass-loss rate relation for red supergiants in the Large Magellanic Cloud K. Antoniadis, A.Z. Bonanos, S. de Wit, E. Zapartas, …

How does the distance affects the stars we see?

With increasing distance fainter stars, and therefore those of lower luminosity, older populations, become less observable. This means that with increasing distance we actually probe different parts of a Color-Magnitude diagram (CMD), which mainly consists of the brightest and more evolved massive stars. This is best shown in this figure …

New paper: Introducing the ASSESS project: Episodic Mass Loss in Evolved Massive Stars – Key to Understanding the Explosive Early Universe

This is the paper that describes the ASSESS project for which I have been working since 2018 ! Introducing the ASSESS project: Episodic Mass Loss in Evolved Massive Stars – Key to Understanding the Explosive Early Universe A.Z. Bonanos, G. Maravelias, M. Yang, F. Tramper, S. de Wit, E. Zapartas, …

New paper: X-Shooting ULLYSES: massive stars at low metallicity I. Project Description

It was back in 2020 during the pandemic that the first call for the XShootU collaboration was sent. I had really little idea of what would follow, but I fount it definitely motivating to participate. Therefore I volunteer to help with the data reduction. After 2.5 years we are getting …

New Paper: Evolved Massive Stars at Low-metallicity V. Mass-Loss Rate of Red Supergiant Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud

Evolved Massive Stars at Low-metallicity V. Mass-Loss Rate of Red Supergiant Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud Ming Yang (杨明), Alceste Z. Bonanos, Biwei Jiang (姜碧沩), Emmanouil Zapartas, Jian Gao (高健), Yi Ren(任逸), Man I Lam (林敏仪), Tianding Wang (王天丁), Grigoris Maravelias, Panagiotis Gavras, Shu Wang (王舒), Xiaodian Chen (陈孝钿), …

New paper: A new automated tool for the spectral classification of OB stars

This paper is a result of an attempt that started way back during my PhD thesis actually. back then in early 2010’s we started investigating a way to automate the spectral classification of Be X-ray binaries. The problem with these sources is that due to the strong emission in the …