about Grigoris Maravelias
Tag: <span>planet</span>

Tag: planet

New Paper: Amateur Observers Witness the Return of Venus’ Cloud Discontinuity

The following paper is the result of a tedious task that my good friend Manos Kardasis undertook over the last two+ years. He noticed the presence of this (relatively newly discovered) feature in Venus and collected images from amateur observers worldwide to study in detail the discontinuity and constrain some …

Planets around A-type stars

For an unknown reason I found this footnote from Menu et al. 2015 (A&A, 581A, 107) very interesting: It is interesting to note that several of the few directly imaged planetary companions are found around A-type stars, which are descendants of Herbig Ae/Be stars. Examples of A-type exoplanet host stars …

First results on the Pluto system by New Horizons

The first scientific results regarding the Pluto system as observed from New Horizons have been published in Science [1]. It is impressive to see direct images and maps of such distant worlds. More remarkable is the complex geology and geomorphology which characterize both Pluto and Charon. Pluto is by far …