about Grigoris Maravelias
Tag: <span>python</span>

Tag: python

Workshop on Python and IRAF/PyRAF

Between 12 to 19 of September 2016, we organized the OndÅ™ejov Summer School 2016, which was held at the Stellar Stellar Department of the Astronomical Institute (Czech Academy of Sciences), in OndÅ™ejov. The main aim of the school was to provide students hands-on experience with real observational data, i.e. to …

Ureka – one package to install them all!

Among the simplest installation methods to install IRAF are SciSoft (for RedHat/Fedora based distributions) and Fernando Avila Castro iso files (for Ubuntu/Debian based distributions). However, both require root privileges. What can you do when you do not have these permissions? Ureka [1] comes in rescue! It is easy to install …

matplotlib: missed errorbars in logarithmic plot

While manipulating some data I came across to, what looked, a strange behavior with the errorbar of matplotlib, when plotting the results from linear to logarithmic scale. Suppose these data: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np s=[19.0, 20.0, 21.0, 22.0, 24.0] v=[36.5, 66.814250000000001, 130.17750000000001, 498.57466666666664, 19.41] verr=[0.28999999999999998, 80.075044597909169, …