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Tag: <span>random forest</span>

Tag: random forest

New Paper: A machine-learning photometric classifier for massive stars in nearby galaxies I. The method

This is the first paper that results from my work with the ASSESS team over the last years. It focuses on the development of a machine-learning photometric classifier to characterize massive stars originating from IR (Spitzer) catalogs, which will help us understand the episodic mass loss. The first paper presents …

New paper: A new automated tool for the spectral classification of OB stars

This paper is a result of an attempt that started way back during my PhD thesis actually. back then in early 2010’s we started investigating a way to automate the spectral classification of Be X-ray binaries. The problem with these sources is that due to the strong emission in the …

EAS 2021 poster contributions

Three poster contributions during EAS 2021 with the following … statistics: all of them on massive stars,  two within the framework of the ASSESS project, and two on machine-learning applications. 1. Applying machine-learning methods to build a photometric classifier for massive stars in nearby galaxies Grigoris Maravelias, Alceste Bonanos, Frank …