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Tag: <span>skinakas observatory</span>

Tag: skinakas observatory

Skinakas return!

Yesterday was the first night that I found myself at Skinakas Observatory. Even though some years have passed, there are really minor changes. The mountain welcomed us with great weather (scarce clouds, humidity close to 50%, and almost no wind at all!), while the seeing proved to be really good …

Skinakas fast facts

Check Sinakas’ site for more details. Location (latitude / longitude / altitude): 35 12 43 N 24 53 57 E     [in deg, min, sec] 35.2119 N 24.8992 E     [in deg] 1750m Optical characteristics (scales/resolutions): item pixel size pixels fov scale/resolution optical system – – – 0.0209 arcsec/μm focal reducer (x …

Book – Skinakas Observatory: A view at the Universe

A great new book is available for the Crete Univesrity Press, Skinakas Observatory: A view at the Universe (language: Greek). It is a photo tour around the Universe through magnificent images obtained from the 1.3m telescope of Skinakas Observatory. Contents: Introduction / Skinakas Observatory: a short historical review / Skinakas: …