Artistic mosaic
If poor astrometric solutions are used to produce a mosaic you end up with a very interesting (at least…) result ! (produced with THELI )
If poor astrometric solutions are used to produce a mosaic you end up with a very interesting (at least…) result ! (produced with THELI )
THELI is package for the automated reduction of astronomical imaging data. After a first installation it was running fine but it was failing to produce the png check plots (used to check if the solution found is reasonable or not). Although the xml file was created it was not enough …
THELI is package for the automated reduction of astronomical imaging data. One of the prerequisite is Python 2.5 or higher (as THELI uses numerous shell and Python scripts). As I had already installed Scisoft 7.5 (with Python 2.5) I though that everything was ok. I started using THELI and indeed …
In order to install THELI (GUI version) there is a series of libs and compilers to have already installed prior to THELI (like the fast-fourier transform (fftw), TIFF libraries (libtiff), C and C++ compilers (gcc, g++), Qt3, see the list at the site). Although everything was installed there was still …